Friday, February 03, 2006

Breakfast in Aix

If I sit just right at my desk in the morning while I eat breakfast, the window frame blocks out the intustrial apartment across the rue and I have the most splendid petite view of the provencial rooftops and strange bare foliage. This morning there was mist settled inbetween the buildings. I don't have a radio so I am forced to eat with myself. It's quite nice actually. Tranquille. Now, I have a rendez-vous avec a newspaper and a coffee at the Festival. Have a healthy day.

Boopa: You have a blog? What is the address, if you please. I don't remember how I set up the preferences.

Dan: Any idea how to change the settings on these blogs?

Mrs. H: Your flower suggesting is JUST what my room needs. Tomorrow I shall buy flowers.

Emily, Adriana, Dan: Je vous pense tout le temps et votre messages sont tres cher a mois. Je vous aime beaucoup.

Emily: Green (or anything that will be wonderful)

Eveyrone: the address is
Mlle Anderson Nicole
Bât F Chambre F0513
Cité Universitaire Estelan
Avenue Général Leclerc
13621 Aix en Provence Cedex 1


J and J said...

Your notes/observations are making me so wistful for the country and the sights and smells. I miss it so much.
I wanted to answer your question about settings: When you go to create a post there are tabs at the top. If you want to change your preferences, colors, etc it should be under any of those tabs.
I miss you very much and Im impressed by your courage! Grow, my friend, Grow!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the memory of baguettes with apricot jam . . . Mrs. H