Thursday, March 02, 2006

Le Fac est Fermé and I'm going to Nice

Monkey Squad: The apartment in Nice is paid signed and sealed. Are we still planning on Monday through Friday? The train will be about €60 round trip and the homestead will be around 60USD per person. WOOOT we are gonna live in Nice.
Caution: it got a bit chilly. It snowed for about 2 seconds today. Although there is discusion of whether is was actually snow.

Anyone wondering about this apartment business: The 7 arrive from Chicago on Saturday and we have rented an apartment in Nice from Monday to Friday. It will surely be a wonderful time.

The Fac, my universtiy, is closed due to a student body strike. After heated speaches about democracy and students' rights they took an official vote which was a raise your hand kind of deal. Anyone who looked like they might vote against a strike was given the french stare of death and persuaded to abstain. Needless to say, they won. They are now "occupying" the university = sleeping in the grand hall and creating the great wall of China in front of the doors out of desks, chairs and tables. After the wake up call and coffee, they stand arm in arm in front of the doors, screaming unrecognizable french things, and refusing to let anyone through. Magnificent to see these students organize themselves. If anyone tried this aux Etats-Unis, it would be stopped on the basis of a fire code violation...o the irony.


Anonymous said...

You called me 4 times today.
Each time, I was in class.
When I see you ON SATURDAY! I'm giving you my schedule.

Anonymous said...

Oh Nicoletta -

Only you would be so lucky as to get a few days off school for such an unusual affair! What, exactly, are they protesting?

I hope that my brother and company made it overseas OK! Dando-son is sickly, so take good care of the boy! Force Advil down his throat if need be . . . just refrain from any foreign medication, por favor!

It sounds like you're havin' a grand ole time, Nicki! So glad to hear it :)

Take care and enjoy your time with the crew!


Anonymous said...

Thursday, March 8
So . . . Where Is Nicoletta & Her Monkey Squad???

Mrs. H