Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Here we are. Sitting in the Shannon airport awaiting our departure to Paris. Now the adventure begins. So much has happened since Dublin. Here are a few highlights:

*On the crowded train home from Dublin, Dan and I sat across from an older couple who were more than anxious to chat with us. As they explained some hot spots for us to visit on our travels, the wife filled in parts of the conversation she knew her husband could not hear due to his hearing loss. Finally I asked the couple if they knew where the rest room was. They responded by looking at each other and saying "No...No I don't think so." The wife: " Oh dear, do you need to lie down. You must be tired. " The husband "Nope. There is only a toilet back there." haha A little communications trouble I think.

Thursday*We took a tour of our castle. There are a couple towers that look like what you would imagine a castle to be. The owner, Betty, showed us around inside these creepy walls. For all those wondering, yes, we think there is  a ghost in our castle.

Friday*We drove to the Dingle pennisula. Most spectacular views in all of Ireland. Dan found a place for his hut, then we attempted to scale a mountain. We decided, though, that we didn't have enough time. Next time.

Saturday*After 13 hours of travels to the Dingle Pennisula, we decided to take a day off and relax.

Sunday*A final jaunt to Cahir for one last look at some Irish Heritage points. We saw the Cahir castle and the Swiss Cottage. Interesting but somewhat uneventful.

Monday*We decided that a day of rest was in order before we left. Everyone was out to see some sights so Dan and I were left with the castle to ourselves.  What else did we do but cook.  Directly next door to our castle is a very large organic garden where we bought most of our veggies. Then we walked to town and bought the rest.  After dinner we took a nice family stroll to the local pub and had a pint to finish off our stay in Ireland.

I can't wait to be in France.  It is 9:20 now. We will be there around 1:30 local time. AWESOME!!!!!

Mom: I miss you. We are safe and doing well.
Nicole: Maybe we will just sojourn on up to Croatia for you. I miss you. You rock my world. Send me your address so I can send u a postcard.
Maureen and Heath: I love you sister and brother. :) Email me your address also.

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