Just an idea of how my days pass:
(However, the only constant seems to be the surprises: I wake up without water, I am last minute invited to any number of celebrations, the police are requesting my presence to assure my safety, classes are canceled because there is a football game, there is a meeting of the messenger pigeon association at my Dar Chebab, etc, etc.)
8-10: wake up, stretch/yoga, prepare breakfast and listen to podcast.
10-1: run errands. i.e. drink tea with various people, go to the market, ongoing problem solving- electricity, internet, etc., check email
1-2:30: Lunch - usually I see someone during my morning errands who invites me for lunch.
3-4:30: prepare lesson plans, study Arabic
4:30-8: teach at the Dar Chebab
8-10ish: cook dinner, watch a movie, read, write. Anything at home because it is dark out and it is not a good idea for me to be out and about.
11ish: Heat water on the stove to wash up for bed, read under the covers to keep warm
Long time, no read! We missed you! Just making those contacts and being a visible presence in your community will make a difference so don't get discouraged. Sounds like that's enough to keep you plenty busy. Love, Erin & Ryan
Nicole, its Katy from Aix! I just read your six months of blogging and wow - things sound very interesting. How are you? Where are you exactly? How is the language going? I'm am similarly struggling with Japanese and can empathize. At this point, I think I've achieved the literacy level of a first grader.
I'm sorry it took so long to write. I was thinking of Montreal and your visit the other day... hope we can meet up again sometime. Take care, and good luck.
Love, katy
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