hhmm sorry for the retard. After all that sitting around of the greve, the three weeks of traveling threw off my groove of doing nothing and I got a little etourdie. Things are beginning to pick up around here. Upon returning from Italy, Spain and travels in the south of France with mon pere et mon Oma I commenced the coursage. But alas, two are on the verge of being canceled so I need not stress out on studying. Passed a week by being homesick. I still am but I got it into my thick skull that I am coming home in a month and a half and I should make the most of my time. This saturday we all hiked up a mountain and slept at the summit. That was loads of fun with loads of food and du vin. It took a little fresh air to regain my senses from the pensés of Chicago. I have met the most fabulous people here and I am sure that just about the time I really get to know them we will all be prending our planes homeward bound. Fortunately many of then live in that cluter of funny french speakers above us called Canada and one of the Brits will be in Wisconsin this summer. Aix continunes worldwide.
Next week it's to Poland for the cuz's wedding but first I am passing par Berlin to check out the non existant wall. I am really looking forward to the "Sgroi/Miceli take Europe" adventure. Hopefully at the end of June, as one last excursion, a friend, Katie, and I are going to have a pint of the World Cup in Munich. Still trying to convince Lucas to come. You too...you should come. Might be going to Loire next weekend to stay with a friend. If not, we are mounting the mountain again: good for the buttox.
Who is my cousin who calls themself PBandJ? ...I am sure I love you but I don't know who you are.
Apparently I graduate Friday. Woah.... I had better discuss that with a pastery and coffee. GROS beeeezzzooooos à tous le monde.
1 comment:
Nicoletta!! So sorry to hear that you're homesick - it's the worst feeling there is (trust me, I know!)
But like you said, you'll be home before you know it, so enjoy it while it lasts!!
I can't believe you'll be home in just over a month!! I trust you'll be back in the Lou at some point? Hope so, 'cause I wanna see some pics!! :)
Love and miss you,
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