Monday, March 13, 2006

O girls, thanks for the messages. Those were much needed. :)
Ems: Rilke is in my bag and I am on the way to The Two Boys. Thank you for the gift. I am really looking forward to reading it and thinking about you the whole time. I am so glad you (and your enterage) were able to come on such last minute's notice. It wouldn't have been the same without you.
Adriana: I accept your request to continue cherching a discoteque. lol. There won't ever be class again so I should have plenty of time. The nez is good....can't wait to get a shorter thing. I don't dig the bull look. Are the Ps really angry or just a little deranged? Nice philosophical meditation there....quite impressive for a jet lagged girl @ 6am. I propose Emily's in the middle on an island and we can "transcend into a higher state of intellectual splendor" there.
PS: I NEEEEED to be there too.
BISOU!!!!!! I love you tout le monde

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so suprised to hear from you on Monday. It was awesome of you to think of MF and I and leave a message, even though I know you were looking for her, not me ;) I saw dan yesterday, and couldnt stop asking about how his trip to see you was, and it seems like forever since you and I have talked. I hope all is well...know that youve been in my thoughts and prayers, ok? Those damn french strike at every opportunity, im sure you know this. When I was there, they struck at the freakin' Louvre(did i spell that right?), and we didnt get to see it...oh well. Im completely jealous of your 4hr meals, with copious bottles of vino, etc(not so jealous of the stinky cheese, but hey) Call or write soon, itd be nice to chat with you!
Thinking of you,