Leaving the comfy confines of Austria, Wednesday morning was spent traveling back to the Italy we all know and love. Upon our arrival in Venice, we were very surprised to finally find our arrangements for the night down an alley just slightly larger than the width of our backpacks and just light enough to see the door we were to stay behind. After some apprehension, we saw our room which was simple but clean. Clean being the key word. I can't ask for more than that. After we dropped our stuff off we ventured out to see the city we had heard so much about. For as many good things we had heard about Venice, we also heard that it was packed with tourist. You might say our vision of the city was slightly tainted. While this is undeniably a beautiful city, we both got the feeling that it was not a city with its own personality. It felt as though the air of the city was based on tourism. Something I have learned I do not like. 1.5 days in this city was just enough time. St. Marc's plaza is beautiful. Tourism cannot taint a sight such as this.
What we did in Venice:
*Tried to find a place for dinner, after some struggle we sat down at an Italian restaurant with no Italian employees...hhmm. Ended up ordering a whole bottle of wine on accident. And all I wanted on my pizza was garlic and some how that is the only thing that was not on my pizza.
*Awoke to the many church bells of Venice outside our window-beautiful!
*Saw St. Marc's Pliazza, the only Plaza in Venice granted the title "Piazza."
*Took the boat down the Grand Canal, stopping at my favorite sight in Venice, Santa Maria del Salute cathedral. We also stopped at the Rialto Bridge....WAY over crowded. Least favorite place in Venice.
*Tried to do laundry...Apparently no one sells detergent. Decided to wear dirty clothes. Why change a good thing.
*Bought a bottle of wine and some pizza rolls - ate our pizza and drank our wine in the allies of Venice.
*Paid a late night visit to Piazza San Marco to listen to the many bands and have very over priced drinks.
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