Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A Day in Dublin

Yesterday's post was a mad attempt to type a lot of information in a short period of time. So, I guess I succeeded. Today we are in Dublin. A city that my Oma treats more like a virus than a world renound literary center. haha. Needless to say, we did not visit Dublin on my first trip to Ireland. We flew into Dublin but drove out of this city quicker than a bat out of hell. Having seen it with my own eyes, the city is fabulous. Maybe it is just because I am a city girl at heart that I like it so much. Today, on our diligent quest to get lost in the spectacular place, we have found new treasures around every corner.  The 5:00am departure time was well worth the sacrafice. It is not even half way through the day and I am sure there are may adventures ahead of us. Tomorrow will be a great morning to sleep in followed by a tour of our castle from the inheritants and owners. Hopefully that will be the extent of our day; I could use a little time to relax and kick back.

We embarked on our adventure 6 days ago and we have been in Ireland only 4 but we have seen so much and created many memories. Before we left, I imagined that 6 weeks would fly by. I realize now, that while it will fly by, the time in between July 16 and Agusut 26th will become a part of me and my life that will never escape.  As we travel along and meet people, more than once a person will say "Oh you are backpacking huh? Yeah...I did that. I will never forget it" This quote is most often followed by their favorite story from their trip. I can only imagine that I will be saying that same thing to travelers I meet in my elder years.

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