Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hoffman are you there? I can't figure out how to use AIM on this computer. Did u leave the message about 148..? Looks good. A little expensive. Did u find the one I was trying to send. Emily gave a thumbs up. It is 58818 on the website.
an hour later....
Ok I just emailed 973623912 people about apartments for next week. Lots of them are wonderful and in the heart of Nice or Cannes or something charming like that. Lots of them only sleep 5 people. However, for our teeeeny budgets I think these places next to the beach are worth a couple nights on the floor. I don't mind. Tell me if you do. I will send links to places that I get responses for. I tried to stick to places that had markets and night life around them as well as beaches and that included terraces for breakfast and such. I feel like that will make pretty much everyone happy. See you soon.

Loyola Spring Break

OK, Kids..... the apartment for Hyere is a no go. Check this one out: http://www.vrbo.com/58818 I am still waiting to hear if it requires a car to get there. But it is close to Nice and it looks beautiful. I haven't had time to do much research so tell me what you think. Also, emily suggested Geneva. Sounds good to me but the little research I did looks quite expensive to get there. By train: €135 and by bus it is not possible from Aix, gotta go to Paris. I am at the Fac but I will brainstorm later today. Can't wait for you to get here!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Since Emily let the cat out of the bag, I might as well mention my night that ended in the morning. I met my Marseille friends at where else but O'Shannans then we were off to a disco. The Frenchies follow this particular DJ and I was just along for the ride. Anyhow, I have never danced so long or so hard in my life. You all know I am a bit of a dance aholic but I was just keeping up with these people. Finally at 430 when the DJ stopped and my feet fell off, we quit. This is the real reason French people can eat the foods they do and stay slim: they jazzercize untill the wee hours of the morning.

Dad: I laughed so hard at your message that the people in the computer lab started looking at me funny. I can't wait to see you here.

Adriana: Your class is on Kant's first critique? I am reading the second I think: The critique of practical reason. In any case, I need your geniusness in the south of France in approximately 7 days.

The Mickey Mouse Club: How do you all feel about Valencia? It's €100 to take the bus. Otherwise I am thinking French beach town, wine and cheese + Kant's Critique of Practical Reason...or just wine and cheese.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The curse of the Train Fines

I just returned from a very short trip to Paris. I stayed a little over 24 hours. Jen and I went then she left for Amsterdam and I decided that Paris just isn't very exciting without someone to share it with. So I spent the morning and afternoon with Monet, Degas, Manet, and some of their friends at the D'Orsay. I got on a train that left 2 hours before mine was suppose to leave. Had I not done that I would have stayed in Paris because I recieved a phone call from Flo, who is there, inviting me out for the evening. Plus, I got fined on the train. If it runs on a track in Paris and is composed of many cars, I am destined to be fined on it. In anycase, I'm back in Aix. It feels a little like home now. This is the first time I have gone away and returned to "home" in Estelan.

The Banwagon comes in 8 days! HOOOT. Looks like the lot of us are going to Spain. I'm trying to convince a couple friends to come so we can have an even 10 people. I think we start getting group rates at that point.

Monday, February 20, 2006

St. Cannat

Today I tried to go to Mt. St. Victoire but after a series of missed buses Jen and I just got on the next random bus we saw. Went to St. Cannat. Very quaint little place. We had no idea where we were going but it turned out nicely. Basically we took a long walk through Provence. Tonight I am going to try out the Cafe philosophique at Le Festival and tomorrow, bright and early,we partons for Paris.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A Silent Sort of Sunday

Spent this rainy day reading away over coffee.

My dictionary broke in half. Now that's a well used book.

Yesterday, I saw a man riding a bicycle AND smoking a cigaret at the same time. I had to laugh out loud at that one.

The Brasserie de la Mairie is my favorite cafe. They play classical music and I have over heard two intense conversations about poetry and seen 2 artists and a poet there doing their creative thing. I just put all my books out on the table and try to fit in. The noise of coffee cups and the expresso machine are the perfect background for reading for hours on end.

I recieved my first two pieces of mail. Talk about a giddy girl! Thank you Clara and Mrs. H.

No class this week. Pheew, I needed a vacation from the intesness of long afternoons at the cafe and sleeping in. Ah, welcome to provence where even if you walk briskly people look at you funny.

I am going to stay here and continue spending all day at the cafe reading myself to ruin. But for several of those days, I will relocate the ritual to Paris. A friend and I are going just for kicks. There are two art exhibits and 3 books stores I plan to visit. In other words, I'm going to Paris to buy books and drink more coffee (and, of course, after 6pm the coffee turns to wine).

Next weekend I am going to Grenoble to visit the Sweeds and the Loco Mosquito.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy St. Valentine's Day. Sunday Flo's parents invited me over for lunch, along with two other foreign students. It was 4 hours of magnificent food and convo. After, we took a walk of the French variety... long and slow with no end and no particular goal. Drink Kirs, discuss philosophy and novels, eat 5 courses, and walk around the old port of Marseille. This is how the French have prefected the art of living. Sundays, nothing is open. There is no guilt of not being "productive" and all there is to do is be with family, friends, and coffee.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Euro Disco round 2

Last night was one of the best nights I've had since I've been out of the US, next to Loco Mosquito of course. Jen, my newest companion, and I met Bruno for dinner. It was lovely and long and full of conversation as a proper french meal should be. Here we are finishing dinner around 11pm and Bruno has to go home to wash dished before his girlfriend arrives from Paris so he escorts us to O'Shannon's and he is off. Jen and I order a "Sex on the Beach" and are chatting it up when someone taps us on the shoulder and invites us to thier table. There you have the crux of the evening. That was the end of any English conversation and the next 2.5 hours were a French frenzy. Salim, our buddy, was doing everything he could to help our langauge skills...patiently listening as we stuttered over ourselves. After a few more glasses of wine the convo was really flowing. O'Shannons closes at 2. I'm thinking the evening is over. O how mistaken I was. Off to the Skat (spelling?) for pretty good music and a great time of dancing. By 4 I was fatigued and Jen and I decided to leave. Outside this charming establishment we met Jaguar and Hash who we had met on Tuesday at a party for foreign kids. Although, they are french. We exchanged numbers after they escorted us to the Rotonde. And who just happend to be at the Rotonde but Salim and Co. who offered to drive us home. Thank goodness cause my pieds were barking.

Needless to say, I slept in this morning.

I bought a membership to the Mejane. This is the "City of Books" to translate. They have a lot of great resourses and cultural events. The symphony was there but I missed it a cause de my coffee date with Ariane. It's also a great study space. I can check out CDs and sing along with the Frenchies to aid my accent. There is a film about Africains and King Louis XVII there today. I'm going to see what that is all about.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's a Boy....Kathleen and Allen are having a Boy. Yippeee for elephants and sheep!

Mom, send gum.

Carrefour....C'est pas la peine. But I got some stuff that makes my little Estelan nest feel more homey.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ahh, yes, I DO love France

Yo Hoffman, my friend, I got an email notice today for a $75 fine at the library for a book you checked out under my card...The Seven Basic Plots. Just a little FYI. lol. Miss you... Bisou.

Things are really starting to take off. I have met some great people and I am really beginning to understand the language. For the first time last night, I understood one of the Quebec guys..yessssss. Tonight is the real test. There is a party for the foreign kids at a bar....

Classes started yesterday. I think I am going to like this. It is fascinating to be learning a culture's literature from the outside. It is really a different perspective on English Lit. Very enlightening. Also, I hope to be taking a class that is for foreign students that gives an over view of French Lit, something I have not had the privilage of formally studying before.

Today's Romantic Poetry fact of the day: Religion and Philosophy have failed. They are dead. What remains is Literature. It is modernity's medium for exploring reason and invention. Emily and Adriana... sorry. Dan, looks like you and I are on the right path.

MOST HAPPY belated long distance BIRTHDAYS to MEGAN and BOOPA!!!!! I had a french pastery in your honor.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Euro Danceclubs

Classes finally start tomorrow...YEAH! Although I only have one at 4....but i'll take what I can get.

Last night I had a drink at L'Unic with the other Loyola student here. Lovely. Then I went out witht he Canadians and one African guy. That was interesting. First, because the we were acting like loud Americans, the bouncer told us to quiet down and then proceeded to let about 25 people behind us in...we obviously were not liked. Nonetheless we made it in. Not sure how I feel about the Euro club. It was a strange mix between a time travel back to the 80s intersperced with some good 2006 music and a gay club. Bizarre. No drinks for me because I struggle to keep my identity as it is in broad daylight, muchless in a smokey loud bar with alcohol. Dancing requires no language and always makes me happy so it was a good release. Today I am going to Marseille to go to an art exhibit with Flo and her parents. Ciao

Friday, February 03, 2006

Breakfast in Aix

If I sit just right at my desk in the morning while I eat breakfast, the window frame blocks out the intustrial apartment across the rue and I have the most splendid petite view of the provencial rooftops and strange bare foliage. This morning there was mist settled inbetween the buildings. I don't have a radio so I am forced to eat with myself. It's quite nice actually. Tranquille. Now, I have a rendez-vous avec a newspaper and a coffee at the Festival. Have a healthy day.

Boopa: You have a blog? What is the address, if you please. I don't remember how I set up the preferences.

Dan: Any idea how to change the settings on these blogs?

Mrs. H: Your flower suggesting is JUST what my room needs. Tomorrow I shall buy flowers.

Emily, Adriana, Dan: Je vous pense tout le temps et votre messages sont tres cher a mois. Je vous aime beaucoup.

Emily: Green (or anything that will be wonderful)

Eveyrone: the address is
Mlle Anderson Nicole
Bât F Chambre F0513
Cité Universitaire Estelan
Avenue Général Leclerc
13621 Aix en Provence Cedex 1

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another big day

Last night I met Bruno for a coffee and the largest hamberger of my life. Saw his new apt and heard all about his love life and getting pexed. Wow that kid is in love! Woke up and had a little baguette and apricot jam breakfast then studied a bit. My walls are bare so I decided to put French on them. Then off to orientation. I made some new friends today!!! ALLLLLL Canadians (one quite good looking ;) ) If I have a difficult time understanding french people it was multiplied by 50 with the Canadian accent. But we spoke french the whole time and that is what is important. After several unsucsessful attempts at retreiving my voicemail I finally got it and what was waiting for me but a message from the other three corners of the world telling me that they are all coming on the 4th of march. OK now, I just made these new friends right? Trying to make a good impression, working hard at communicating in french....and then they knock on my door to see if I would like to go into town and there I am sobbing, trying to explain that they are happy tears and that my friends are coming. So much for the good impression. Tonight the Canadians and I are going to have a go at our first Estelan kitchen creation. Now I'm off to make some phone calls. Tomorrow...Carrefour anyone?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ok, today was a big day. Got the phone thing straightended out (by myself...I always feel good about that) and I moved into Estelan. Small but wonderful. Dan and I were talking before I left that small places stuffed with all things nice and intellectual are a very good thing (explaining Dan's need to move his entire studio into his closet). Well I have the small space and I have some things nice but with only two bags, its kinda hard to be crammed in. BUT I have shutters and old rickety wood frame windows and that makes me very happy....really. I am anxious to make some friends. I am feeling the loss of leaving senior year very much right now.

Dad - the weather is outstanding. I barely needed a jacket today.

Once I figure out how the mail works, I'll post it.


Home in Aix

Well, I went to Paris before I returned to Aix....what was I thinking not going to Paris before. So a day in Paris now I am back in Aix. I am just about to head over to my place of residence. Apparently I do have a phone number. It is the same one Dan had last year for all you who have that. 011 33 67 91 67 398. Call Freely :) Love u all. Ciao.